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June 20, 2022

Next-Level Communication: Introducing Our Direct Messaging Feature

Max Pinch
Kevala news

We’re excited to announce the release of direct messaging! The feature provides an easy way for communities and operators to connect with their agency partners. The chat allows for an endless chain of communication.

The idea behind direct messaging is to create a closer relationship between Kevala users. A more accessible, more personal way to connect can benefit both sides, opening the door to a much more collaborative partnership. Now that direct messaging is available let’s dive into how it works, its uses, and the resulting benefits.


The direct messaging feature is a group chat between a community and an agency. Team members on both sides who have access to Kevala will be able to use the new feature. This open line of communication can be used to:

  • Discuss staffing needs
  • Clarify requirements
  • Exchange information
  • Provide feedback
  • Track history

Communicating with your staffing partners is so critical in a successful relationship. Here are some examples of real-time conversations now possible with our new feature.

  • Is (provider) confirmed for their shift at 5:00 PM?
  • Do you have the credentials for (name), their LPN license, and identification card?
  • Before we confirm (name), could you send over their credentials?
  • Can (name of preferred nurse) pick up this shift?
  • I have a provider ready and available to work these shifts for you.


1. Streamlines Communication

Getting in touch with your partners can be a long process of email chains, phone calls, or messages. Through direct messaging you will create one source of instant communication. The chat will solidify itself as the best place to contact your operator or agency partner. There will also be a notification system for unread messages, creating an even quicker turnaround for replies. 

2. Build Better Relationships

As a healthcare organization or staffing agency, building a mutually beneficial relationship with each other will lead to more success for both parties. As the relationship grows more robust, a higher level of dependability and trust will develop. Exchanging feedback and giving consistent updates will give each party a higher chance to provide precisely what the other needs while continuously improving. 

All in all, the end goal is the same. Providing the best possible patient care. Garnering a better relationship through a higher level of communication will only help achieve that goal.

3. Increase Visibility

Visibility and transparency are critical in healthcare. A constant flow of communication between parties can promote better staffing practices, allowing for more updates, clarifications, questions, and feedback. This also ensures a communication history to serve as a reference point. Both parties can refer to the discussions, decisions, and agreements timeline.

Get Started

The direct messaging feature is up and ready to go for all operators and agency partners. We hope it brings a much more valuable and efficient channel of communication. We are excited to bring these updates and hope to continue to help healthcare and our customers as much as possible. 

Learn about how we revolutionize healthcare staffing and schedule a demo here

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